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TIPS : Questions you should ask your broker

You want to know if your yacht broker takes all the steps to properly market your boat?
Set yourself up for success and and put all the chances on your side. We all know that this market is very competitive with plenty of boat offers all over the world for the potential buyer. Your boat won’t sell itself, and even the most experienced professional brokers can fall short in selling your yacht if they are not keeping up with the ever-changing standards of Yacht marketing.

Your yacht should receive personal & professional attention with marketing that has been proven effective, from professional photography, to trusted presence on the best and well known Marketplace. To be sure that your broker is more than just talk, ask the right questions, and expect specific, proven answers that give you the peace of mind. You will find in this article insider knowledge on how to ensure your boat will be perfectly showcase online. Here are few questions you should ask your yacht broker if you’re not getting results.

1. Is My Yacht Shared On Competitor Websites?

Some Brokers don’t allow their listings to be shared on other web sites.

Yachtside broker allow competitors to advertise our listings on their website. This means we might have to split our commission, but our commitment is to getting you yacht sold, not to make a larger commission.


2. Is My Yacht Enhanced On Yachtworld?

Some Brokers don’t invest in making their listings stand-out on YachtWorld.

Denison Yacht Sales highlights your listing on the industry’s largest MLS with an Enhanced Ad. These enhancements make your listing more noticeable with a different background color and larger footprint on the results page.

3. Is My Boat Advertised On 20+ Websites?

Some Brokers don’t take the time, or make the investment, to advertise their boat on dozens of yachting web sites.

Yachtside Group team will advertise your yacht on over 20 websites, including niche boating sites and international MLS services. Our goal is to have as many lines in the water as possible to get you a bite.

4. Is My Yacht Blasted The Right Way?

Some Brokers don’t take the time to organize a list of active client & yacht broker email addresses. This results in an outdated list that doesn’t get results. Ask your broker how large, and recent, their email date base list is.

At Yachtside Group our data base list is the result  of more than 30 years in the industry we update it as much as we can. A list of brokers, marinas and industry contacts so we can blast your boat to as many people as possible.

5. Is My Yacht Photographed By A Professional?

Some brokers take photos of their best listings with their cell phones or use existing photos that are definitely not professional.

We believe awesome listings are defined by great photography and that the beginning of the clients yachting experience start with the pictures they will find on internet. A picture is worth a thousand words, and a bad photo can give a bad impression that’s hard to reverse. That’s why we take the time to go on every boat we list to make our own professional photographer of your yacht that you’d be proud of.

6. Is My Yacht Filmed By A Videographer?

Due to the COVID 19 restriction we know that travelling is now really difficult for a majority of the persons, so it makes all the physical viewing of the boat really hard to organize.

That’s why to facilitate the life of our client we decided to make a 3D virtual of all our listings.
Yachtside Group is one of the only yachting firms that make 3D visit of all it’s listing.